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UCXS Spectrometer
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Indico (NorduCLIC)
Uppsala University


Date Subject Photographer
* General photos on CLIC
* General photos on CTF3

* TBTS Installation and Commissioning
* RF Structures
* Flashbox
* Uppsala X-band Spectrometer (UCXS)
* 30 GHz Test Stand (30TS)
* Visits and Celebrations
TBTS Installation and Commissioning
22-Jan-2015 New module installed in CLIC test facility Maximilien Brice
2012-Sep-11 Two-beam Test Stand and Electronics Gallery
2012-Sep-10 Installation New Accelerating Structures (2x TD24-WFM)
2012-Aug-29 Installation New Accelerating Structures (2x TD24-WFM)
2012-Aug-28 Installation New Accelerating Structures (2x TD24-WFM)
2012-Aug-22 Installation New Accelerating Structures (2x TD24-WFM)
2012-Aug-16 Installation New Accelerating Structures (2x TD24-WFM)
2012-May-29 New BPMs and Faraday cup Photomultipler, Cabling
2012-May-11 Combiner Ring Hall Andrea Palaia
2012-Apr-03 Modification BPMs and Drive Beam Dump Marek Jacewicz
2012-Mar-27 New diffusive screen for CMS.MTV 0630 Benoit Bolzon
2012-Mar-20 Installation CALIFES Type Cavity BPMs
2012-Feb-23 Installed Waveguides
2012-Jan-19 PCB for BPM Pick-up (CERN-17 and UU-13)
2011-Nov-11 ACS Connected to PETS with On/Off Mechanism, Flashbox
2011-Oct-06 PETS On/Off Mechanism
2011-Apr-08 Two-beam Test Stand and CLEX Marek Jacewicz
2011-Mar-28 12 GHz Cabling
2011-Mar-11 Installation ACS Tank, Cooling Water and MTV Shielding
2011-Mar-10 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
2011-Mar-09 Accelerating Structure Installation
2011-Feb-22 CTF3 Installation (CTF2, CLEX hall and gallery) Marek Jacewicz
25-Aug-2010 Cabling Test Area
03-Jun-2010 The CLIC Test Facility Maximilien Brice
21-Apr-2010 MTV Camera Set-up
08-Apr-2010 TBTS and CALIFES Installation
12-Mar-2010 Installation New YAG Screen CA.MTV 0790
11-Mar-2010 Installation Accelerating Structure Tank
04-Mar-2010 Installation New MTVs
03-Mar-2010 Preparation New MTVs and Accelerating Structure
05-Nov-2009 CALIFES Phase Shifter Support Table
19-Oct-2009 CLEX Experiment, view of two lines of transfer Maximilien Brice
30-Oct-2009 OASIS crate with VD80 ADC
28-Oct-2009 Flash-box fabrication
13-Oct-2009 TBTS 12GHz Electronics
09-Oct-2009 CLEX Hall
07-Oct-2009 Modification PETS Power Recirculation System
01-Oct-2009 Installation Probe Beam Line CA.MTV 0790
10-Jun-2009 CALIFES MTVs
09-Apr-2009 First Beam Reached the End of the TBTS Probe Beam Line
02-Feb-2009 CA.VVS0600 and CM.VVS0400
21-Oct-2008 PETS in Drive Beam Line
30-Sep-2008 The TBTS facility for the CLIC project CERN Bulletin
03-Sep-2008 First Beam Reached the End of the TBTS Drive Beam Line
30-Jul-2008 Stepper Motor Installation
24-Jul-2008 The Two-beam Test Stand Claudia Marcelloni
22-Jul-2008 Installation Completed
14-Jul-2008 Installation Drive Beam Spectrometer Line
03-Jul-2008 Installation Probe Beam Spectrometer Line
12-Jun-2008 Installation Beam Dumps
June 2008 MTV Assembly
30-May-2008 Installation Beam Lines and Equipment
16-May-2008 Installation BPMs
08-May-2008 BPM Calibration
24-Apr-2008 Installation Vacuum Pumping Pots
04-Apr-2008 Installed Magnets
27-Mar-2008 Installation BPM5 Supports & Power Supplies
18-Mar-2008 Installation Long Vacuum Chambers
28-Feb-2008 Installation Orbit Correctors
04-Feb-2008 Orbit Correctors & Beam Tubes
16-Jan-2008 Stainless Steel Pumping Pots
16-Jan-2008 CLEX hall and TBTS installation Magnus Johnson
15-Jan-2008 View of the CLIC experiment hall in January 2008 Maximilien Brice
14-Dec-2007 Installation QL3 and Spectrometer Magnets
07-Dec-2007 Installation Alignment Supports (all)
06-Dec-2007 Installation Alignment Supports (excl. BPM)
03-Dec-2007 Scanditronix H/V Orbit Corrector
28-Nov-2007 Production Y-type Vacuum Chambers
01-Nov-2007 Installation Girders
31-Oct-2007 Installation of the Feet
23-Oct-2007 QL3 Field Measurements
15-Oct-2007 Arrival Alignment Supports
09-Oct-2007 Arrival Girders
27-Sep-2007 Preparation Alignment Supports in Uppsala
10-Sep-2007 Bat.2010 CLEX Hall
21-Aug-2007 Bat.150 Magnet Storage
26-Jul-2007 Acceptance Test First Scanditronix Quadrupole
04-Jul-2007 Arrival First Scanditronix Quadrupole at CERN
30-May-2007 BPM Vacuum Tube Electron Beam Welding
24-May-2007 BPM Ceramics Tube Vacuum Leak
19-Apr-2007 Production QL3 Yokes at Tivox
18-Apr-2007 Production QL3 at Scanditronix
Feb/Mar-2007 Installed CTF3 Equipment
15-Feb-2007 Production QL3 and ORS Undulator at Scanditronix
12-Oct-2006 BPM Assembly
RF Structures
2010-Feb-11 Phase 2.1 Accelerating Structure Germana Riddone
2008-Sep-01 PETS for TBTS and SLAC Tests Igor Syratchev
for the Two-beam Test Stand
2012-Dec-05 Flashbox and stepper motor cabling
2011-Jul-28 Flash-box Installation Tomoko Muranaka
2011-Jun-08 Flash-box Assembly
2011-Mar-15 Flash-box ICT
2011-Feb-21 Flash-box Testing Marek Jacewicz
2011-Feb-04 Flash-box Detector Test
16-Aug-2010 Flash-box Assembly
Uppsala X-band Spectrometer
for the 12 GHz Klystron based Stand-alone Test Stands (Xbox)
2015-Aug-26 Xbox2 with TD24-SLAC Structure
2014-Jun-04 UCXS Spectrometer move to Xbox2 Marek Jacewicz
2014-Jun-02 UCXS Spectrometer at Xbox1 Marek Jacewicz
2014-Mar-26 UCXS Spectrometer in CTF2 Christopher Borgmann
2014-Feb-04 Uppsala X-band Spectrometer Installation Marek Jacewicz
2014-Jan-22 Xbox2 Site at Building 150 Marek Jacewicz
2014-Jan-21 to 23 Uppsala X-band Spectrometer Pre-assembly and Testing Marek Jacewicz
2013-Nov-08 12 GHz Spectrometer Equipment Marek Jacewicz
2013-Aug-23 12 GHz Spectrometer Marek Jacewicz
2012-Apr-04 8AF Spectrometer Magnet at NORMA-LAM and Magnet Measurement Lab Marek Jacewicz
2012-Apr-02 12 GHz Test Stand Installation Progress Marek Jacewicz
2012-Jan-18 12 GHz Test Stand Installation Progress
2011-Jun-10 12 GHz Klystron
2011-Mar-09 12 GHz Klystron and Pulse Modulator
30 GHz Test Stand
2008-Jun-18 30 GHz Test Stand
2007-Aug-13 Ion Current Measurements Set-up (CTF2 hall)
Visits and Celebrations
2014-Mar-21 Visit ISOLDE
2010-Sep-19 Visit Vice-chancellor Uppsala University
2008-Jun-22/27 EPAC'08 (Genoa)
2008-Feb-07 Visit Vice-chancellor Uppsala University
2007-Sep-28 Visit Electron Microscopy Lab in Uppsala
2007-Sep-12 CLIC Hike
2007-Apr-04 Test DESY ORS Undulator

Uppsala University / Roger Ruber (2007-2016).