TBTS Operation
Logging and conditioning server (CERN internal only, requires AFS access!)
Control room operator console (cwe-2008-tbts, cwo-2008-ctf7)
- CTF3 operator interface (menu): ccm CTF3OP
- Test menu
- TBTS Conditioning: conditioning and data acquisition software
- TBTS Utilities: menu with links to all utilities
- TBTS related utilities and scripts
- /user/ctf3op/tbts/bin/: contains shell scripts to start utilities
- menu.tcl: menu with links to all utilities
- /user/ctf3op/tbts/labview: LabView VI's
- /user/ctf3op/tbts/matlab: Matlab scripts
- CTF3 related MatLab scripts
- /ctf/data/ctfmod/MatLab/JavaCoInterface: Java based accelerator control interface (FESA)
- /ctf/data/ctfmod/MatLab/Utils: utilities to set BPM cursor timing and interval
- /ctf/data/ctfmod/MatLab/Califes: Califes scripts
- /ctf/data/ctfmod/MatLab/TBTS: TBTS scripts (obsolete!)
- /ctf/data/ctfmod/MatLab/common: common definitions (beam line elements)
Accelerator knobs:
- TBTS drive beam knobs, EDMS 965587.
- TBTS probe beam knobs, EDMS 997499.
Beam position monitoring (BPMs):
- Gain and calibration settings:
- CCM menu Trajectory
- BPM Calibration TL2/CLEX
- Connect and check
- verify settings and press SET or SAVE
- Timing signals:
- CX.SMEAS-BPMC: Drive beam BPMs
- CX.SMEAS-BPMP: Probe beam BPMs
- Cursor setting by Matlab scripts:
- /user/ctf3op/tbts/matlab/califes/setCalifesBpmCursor.m set probe beam cursor
- /ctf/data/ctfmod/MatLab/Utils/SetSectionCursorAndInterval.m set drive beam cursor
- /ctf/data/ctfmod/MatLab/Utils/SetBPMCursorAndInterval.m set individual BPM cursor
Usage: SetBPMCursorAndInterval('CA','BPM0530',400,10)
Faraday cups (FCU):
- CA.FCU 0712:
moves in/out by operation of CAS.MTV 0830 screen in/out
RF and other measurements (OASIS):
- Trigger timing of Acqiris and VD80 ADCs:
Enable either TBTSD (drive beam frequency) or TBTSP (probe beam frequency).
- Individual setting by OASIS scope
- CX.SMEAS-RFMT is obsolete!