Publications and Reports
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| CTF3 Notes
| CLIC Notes
Author, Title, Reference
| A. Palaia,
Commissioning of inductive BPMs in the TBTS probe beam line
CERN CTF3-Note-106 (2014).
| V. Ziemann and R. Ruber
Ideas about measuring short range wake fields in accelerating structures at for high-energy and free-electron laser linear accelerators
CERN CTF3-Note-105 (2014).
| L. Navarro Quirante et al.
CALIFES: A Multi-purpose Electron Beam for Accelerator Technology Tests
Linac14, September 2014, Geneva,
| C. Borgmann et al.
The Momentum Distribution of the Decelerated Drive Beam in CLIC and in the Two-beam Test Stand at CTF3
IPAC14, June 2014, Dresden,
| D. Gamba and F. Tecker,
Emittance Optimisation in the Drive Beam Recombination Complex at CTF3
IPAC14, June 2014, Dresden,
| W. Farabolini et al.
Recent Results from CTF3 Two Beam Test Stand
IPAC14, June 2014, Dresden,
| A. Aksoy et al.
Conceptual Design of a X-FEL Facility using CLIC X-band Accelerating Structure
IPAC14, June 2014, Dresden,
| M. Jacewicz et al.
General-purpose Spectrometer for Vacuum Breakdown Diagnostics for the 12 GHz Test Stand at CERN
IPAC14, June 2014, Dresden,
| I. Syratchev
PETS Testing Program in CTF3
ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter 62 (2013) 88.
| R. Corsini et al.
CTF3 Status and Plans
ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter 62 (2013) 165.
| R. Ruber et al.
The CTF3 Two-beam Test Stand
ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter 62 (2013) 186.
| M. Olvegård and V. Ziemann
Emittance and Momentum Diagnostics for Beams with Large Momentum Spread
Proceedings of the IBIC'13 (2013)
| M. Jacewicz et al. (6 authors),
Novel Diagnostics for Breakdown Studies,
Proceedings of the IBIC'13 (2013)
| A. Palaia et al. (5 authors),
Effects of RF breakdown on the beam in the Compact Linear Collider prototype accelerator structure,
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 16, 081004 (2013).
| M. Olvegård, et al. (12 authors),
Beam profile monitoring at the test beam line at the Compact Linear Collider test facility 3,
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 16, 082802 (2013).
| R. Ruber et al.
The CTF3 Two-beam Test Stand
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A729 (2013) 546.
| A. Dubrovskiy et al.,
Flashbox Compact Beam Spectrometer and its Application to the High-gradien Acceleration Study
IPAC13, May 2013, Shanghai, MOPWA038
| B. Constance et al.,
Experimental Verification of the CLIC Two-beam Acceleration Technology in CTF3
IPAC13, May 2013, Shanghai, TUPFI040
| J. Jonnerby
Analysis and Correlation of RF and Photomultiplier Signals in the Accelerating Structure in Two-Beam Test Stand
CERN EDMS 1285893 (2012).
| J. Jonnerby
Correlation of BPM Sum Signals in Probe Beam Line in Two-beam Test Stand
CERN EDMS 1285892 (2012).
| J. Nielsen and A. Palaia
Steering knobs in the TBTS
CERN EDMS 1236132 (2012).
| A. Palaia et al.,
RF Breakdown Kicks at the CTF3 Two-beam Test Stand
IPAC12, May 2012, New Orleans, MOEPPB001
| I. Syratchev et al.,
High Power Operation with Beam of a CLIC PETS Equipped with ON/OFF Mechanism
IPAC12, May 2012, New Orleans, TUPPR019
| A. Dubrovskiy,
PETS On-Off demonstration in CTF3
Internal Report (16-Feb-2012)
| D. Ogburn et al.,
Drive Beam Phase Measurement using RF data from the PETS
(EU/FP7) EuCARD Scientific Report, EuCARD-REP-2011-006
| W. Farabolini et al.,
Two Beam Test Stand Experiments in the CTF3 Facility
IPAC11, September 2011, San Sebastian, MOOCA02
| M. Jacewicz et al.,
Instrumentation for the 12 GHz Stand-alone Test-stand to Test CLIC Acceleration Structures
IPAC11, September 2011, San Sebastian, TUPC133
| P.K. Skowronski et al.,
The CLIC Feasibility Demonstration in CTF3
IPAC11, September 2011, San Sebastian, TUPC021
| E. Adli et al.,
X-band rf power production and deceleration in the two-beam test stand of the Compact Linear Collider test facility
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 14, 081001 (2011).
| A. Palaia et al.,
Diagnostics of RF Breakdowns in High-gradient Accelerating Structures
DIPAC11, May 2011, DESY TUPD93 (2011).
| O. Kononenko,
Internal memo (2011).
| R. Ruber et al.,
Two-beam Test Stand Experimental Program,
Draft memo, 29 October 2010
| R. Ruber,
CLIC Feasibility Demonstration at CTF3
LINAC10, September 2010, Tsukuba, Japan MO303 (2010).
| W. Farabolini et al.,
CTF3 Probe Beam LINAC Commissioning and Operations
LINAC10, September 2010, Tsukuba, Japan MOP001 (2010).
| F. Peauger et al.,
Wakefield Monitor Development for CLIC Accelerating Structure
LINAC10, September 2010, Tsukuba, Japan TUP098 (2010).
| R. Ruber, V. Ziemann and E. Adli,
First Beam Kick Measurements in the PETS
CERN CTF3-Note-098 (2009).
| C. Hellenthal
PETS Conditioning and RF Breakdown Analysis
CERN-OPEN-2010-010, CLIC Note 811 (2009).
| I. Syratchev et al.
High Power Testing of X-band CLIC Power Generating Structures
PAC'09, May 2009, Vancouver BC, Canada, WE3RAC02 (2009).
| E. Adli et al.
First Beam Tests of the CLIC Power Extraction Structure in the Two-beam Test Stand
DIPAC'09, May 2009, Basel, MOPD29 (2009).
| E. Adli,
Techniques for estimations of beam energy loss in the Two-Beam test stand PETS, applied to the first 12 GHz PETS tests with beam
CERN CTF3-Note-097 (2009).
| E. Adli,
Analysis of the first 12 GHz PETS tests with beam using a constant parameter recirculation model
CERN CTF3-Note-096 (2009).
| R. Ruber, V. Ziemann, R. Corsini and G. Riddone,
Upgrade Scenarios for the TBTS
CERN CTF3-Note-095 (2009).
| V. Ziemann,
Data Analysis for PETS Recirculation
CERN CTF3-Note-094 (2009).
| R. Ruber, V. Ziemann,
An Analytical Model for PETS Recirculation
CERN CTF3-Note-092 (2009).
| M. Johnson et al.
Arrival time measurements of ions accompanying RF breakdown
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A595 (2008) 568.
| R.J.M.Y. Ruber et al.
The CTF3 Two-beam Test-stand Installation and Experimental Program
EPAC'08, June 2008, Genua, WEPP139.
| M. Johnson et al.
RF-breakdown Experiments at the CTF3 Two-beam Test-stand
EPAC'08, June 2008, Genua, WEPP131.
| M. Johnson
Beam-Based Diagnostics of RF-Breakdown in the Two-Beam Test-Stand in CTF3
CLIC-Note-710: CERN, Geneva, 27-Aug-2007.
| M. Johnson, V. Ziemann and H. Braun
Hot Coulomb Explosion Fit of CTF3 high-gradient Faraday-Cup data
CERN EDMS 986282 (2007).
| V. Ziemann
The Arrival-time Spectrum of Hot Coulomb Explosions
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A575 (2007) 539.
| V. Ziemann
Vakdyn, a program to calculate time dependent pressure profiles
Vacuum 81 (2006) 866.
| V. Ziemann
Vacuum Considerations for the Two-Beam Test-Stand in CTF3
CERN EDMS 986281 (2006).
| T. Ekelöf et al.
The Two-beam Test-stand in CTF3
Proc. of the EPAC2006 (2006)